Baileys Salted Caramel Liqueur 70cl
Liqueurs, SpiritsBaileys Salted Caramel combines the rich, creamy essence of Baileys Irish Cream with the irresistible flavour of salted caramel. This luxurious liqueur offers a delightful twist on the classic Baileys, blending smooth Irish cream with a hint of sweet and savoury caramel, finished with a touch of sea salt. Treat yourself to the exquisite blend of Baileys Salted Caramel, where smooth Irish cream meets the luxurious taste of caramel and a hint of sea salt, making every sip a moment of pure indulgence. ABV: 17% SIZE : 700ml£18.00£18.00 -
Samuel Gelston’s Blended Whiskey 70cl
Spirits, WhiskySamuel Gelston's Blended Whiskey is a smooth and approachable Irish whiskey, offering light, fruity notes with hints of vanilla and spice. Perfect for sipping neat or using in cocktails, it's a well-balanced blend with a warm, slightly peppery finish. This whiskey is typically enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as a base in various cocktails due to its smooth and approachable character. BRAND: SAMUEL GELSTON'S ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml£19.50£19.50 -
Baileys Original Irish Cream Liqueur 70cl
Liqueurs, Liqueurs & Syrups, SpiritsOne of life's most pleasurable indulgences, Baileys Original Irish Cream is the sweetest meeting of fine Irish whiskey and spirits, Irish dairy cream, rich chocolate and vanilla flavours. The result? Complete deliciousness. SIZE: 700ml ABV: 17.0% COUNTRY: Ireland£13.79£13.79 -
Jameson Irish Whiskey 70cl
WhiskyTriple distilled, twice as smooth, one of a kind. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness. The perfect blended Irish Whiskey. Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distil them - not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally, we age them in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years. ABV: 40.0% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: Ireland£21.99£21.99