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2 products

  • £20.50

    Ballantine’s Whisky 70cl

    Ballantine's Finest is a premium blended Scotch whisky, revered for its smoothness and sophisticated flavour profile. As one of the oldest and most respected names in Scotch whisky, Ballantine's offers a blend that exemplifies the art of whisky making, balancing tradition with exceptional quality. It offers a smooth and sophisticated taste that has been cherished by whisky lovers around the world for generations. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: SCOTLAND
  • £18.50

    Bell’s Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

    United Kingdom's most popular blended Scotch whisky. Bell's blend is rich, spiced and nutty, and comes the Blair Athol distillery - committed to the same standards by Arthur Bell since 1825. Quite smooth, medium body. Barley and cereals with nut oils, hints of wood and spice. The finish is short with notes of fruitcake and smoke. The Blair Athol malt gives Bell's it's distinctive and much-loved rich, fruity flavour. ABV: 40.0% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: SCOTLAND