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24 products

  • £30.00

    Cabana Cachaça 70cl

    Cabana is fermented from the first pressing if purpose grown, hand cut sugar cane from the sao paolo area. It is double distilled in copper pot stills before being aged for nine months in large vats made from Brazilian Jequitiba wood. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml
  • £37.50

    El Dorado 12 Year Rum 70cl

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    Experience the exceptional craftsmanship of El Dorado 12 Year Old Rum, a rum that embodies tradition and excellence with every sip. Lush tropical fruit and spice nose with hints of honey and dark sugar. Round, mellow, full bodied palate with rich flavours of fruit and spice. The finish is delightful, elegant and dry. “Hedonistic and well balanced” ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml
  • £30.99

    El Dorado 8 Year Rum 70cl

    The El Dorado 8 Year Old rum is a complex fusion of a full flavoured, heavy bodied rum with light-to-medium bodied rums aged in bourbon oak casks, creating a sumptuous smooth sipping rum which can form the basis of memorable cocktails. The rum shines golden amber in colour with a light citrus nose that slowly becomes fuller and rounder. Hints of poached pear, gingerbread, quince and dried fruits develop. The palate is a complex mix of light spices, nuts, ripe fruit, smoke and wood with notes of candied orange, allspice and macadamia nuts in the forefront. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml
  • £26.50

    Foursquare Spiced Rum 70cl

    This Rum is Known for its commitment to quality and innovation, Foursquare delivers a spiced rum that balances the traditional richness of aged rum with a harmonious blend of spices. Discover the vibrant and rich character of Foursquare Spiced Rum, a perfect blend of tradition and innovation that brings a touch of Caribbean warmth to every sip. Ideal for both sipping and mixing, it’s a versatile addition to any rum lover's collection. ABV: 37.5% SIZE: 700ml
  • £28.50

    J. Bally Rhum Agricole Ambre Rum 70cl

    J. Bally Rhum Ambre is a distinguished Rhum Agricole from Martinique, celebrated for its refined character and rich heritage. This aged rum embodies the craftsmanship and tradition of J. Bally, offering a unique and sophisticated taste experience. Discover the aged elegance of J. Bally Rhum Ambre, a rum that captures the spirit of Martinique with every sip. Its refined character and complex flavours make it a perfect choice for both sipping and mixing, offering a versatile and delightful experience for rum enthusiasts. ABV: 45% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: Martinique
  • £28.50

    J. Bally Rhum Agricole Blanc Rum 70cl

    J. Bally Rhum Agricole Blanc is a pristine expression of Rhum Agricole, capturing the pure essence of fresh sugarcane from Martinique. Distilled with precision and care, this white rum showcases the vibrant and natural flavours of its terroir, making it a standout choice for enthusiasts seeking authenticity and quality. Experience the authentic taste of Martinique with J. Bally Rhum Agricole Blanc, a rum that embodies the vibrant and natural flavours of its origin. Perfect for sipping, mixing, or pairing with a variety of dishes, it offers a versatile and delightful addition to any rum enthusiast's collection. ABV: 50% SIZE: 700ml
  • £26.20

    Old Sailor Coffee Liqueur 70cl

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    Old Sailor Coffee Liqueur is a rich and flavourful spirit that combines the robust taste of coffee with the warmth of rum. This liqueur offers a smooth blend of strong coffee notes and the sweet, slightly spiced undertones of rum. It’s typically enjoyed on its own, over ice, or as a key ingredient in coffee-flavoured cocktails, such as an Espresso Martini or a White Russian. The deep, aromatic coffee flavour makes it a popular choice for those who enjoy liqueurs with a strong, distinctive taste. COUNTRY: ITALY ABV: 27% SIZE: 700ml
  • £22.50

    Pitu Cachaça 70cl

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    A maturing process of several weeks in wooden vats allows the flavour to unfold completely, making the taste of Cachaca Pitu lighter and smoother than that of many types of rum. It is subsequently an ideal base for cocktails. Experience the essence of Brazil with Pitú Cachaça, a spirit that captures the lively and festive culture of its homeland. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml
  • £33.50

    Plantation Pineapple Rum 70cl

    Plantation Pineapple Rum is a vibrant and exotic expression that combines the richness of Caribbean rum with the sweet, tangy essence of ripe pineapples. Crafted by the renowned Plantation Rum, this rum is infused with natural pineapple for a delightful and refreshing flavour experience. Plantation Pineapple Rum offers a refreshing and exotic twist on traditional rum, a perfect choice for those who enjoy a taste of the tropics. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml
  • £37.00

    Pusser’s Gunpowder Proof 70cl

    Pusser's Gunpowder Proof Rum is a powerful and full-bodied rum that pays homage to the British Royal Navy's historic tradition of "gunpowder proof" strength. Experience the bold and authentic taste of Pusser's Gunpowder Proof Rum, a rum that celebrates the rich tradition and robust character of the British Royal Navy. Its powerful flavour and high proof make it a standout choice for rum enthusiasts seeking a true taste of history. ABV: 54.5% SIZE: 700ml
  • £34.50

    Pussers Blue Label Rum 70cl

    Pusser's Blue Label Rum is a celebrated blend that honours the rich maritime heritage of the British Royal Navy. Known for its full-bodied flavour and robust character. Experience the true taste of naval tradition with Pusser's Blue Label Rum, a rum that embodies the rich history and robust character of the British Royal Navy. Perfect for sipping, mixing, or pairing with a variety of dishes, it offers a versatile and delightful addition to any rum enthusiast's collection. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml
  • £21.50

    Rum Bar By Worthy Park Silver 70cl

    The Rum Bar by Worthy Park Silver is a high-quality, unaged rum that embodies the rich tradition and craftsmanship of Jamaican rum-making. This silver rum offers a refined and versatile choice for rum enthusiasts and cocktail aficionados alike. The rum’s unaged profile ensures a fresh and vibrant taste, with a smooth finish that enhances its versatility in cocktails. Subtle hints of spice add depth to the overall flavour, making it a well-rounded choice for various drinking preferences. ABV: 40% SIZE:700ml
  • Sale

    Stroh Inländer ’40’ 70cl

    Stroh Inländer symbolises Austrian tradition, taste and delight. Stroh 40 Rum is a spicy dark rum made in Austria since 1832. Huge caramel and spice notes. Treacle, molasses and nutmeg. Possesses a long finish with cinnamon, vanilla and mixed nuts. ABV: 40.0% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: Austria
  • £28.99

    The Real McCoy 3 Year Rum 70cl

    This Rum delivers a smooth and complex flavour profile with prominent notes of vanilla and caramel. The aging in American oak barrels adds layers of toasted oak and subtle spice, while hints of dried fruit contribute to its well-rounded taste. The finish is clean and satisfying, making it enjoyable both neat and in cocktails. ABV: 40% size: 700ml
  • £20.99

    Velho Barreiro Cachaça 70cl

    Pitú Cachaça is a distinguished Brazilian spirit known for its rich tradition and exceptional quality. Made from the freshest sugarcane, this cachaça offers a genuine taste of Brazil, perfect for crafting classic cocktails or enjoying on its own. Experience the essence of Brazil with Pitú Cachaça, a premium spirit that delivers an authentic taste of the country’s rich cultural and culinary traditions. ABV: 39% SIZE: 700ml
  • £17.99

    Bacardi Carta Blanca 70cl

    Created in 1862, Don Facundo spent ten years perfecting his Bacard? Carta Blanca. Smooth and subtle with notes of almond and vanilla, it doesn't dominate like gin or disappear like vodka. Developed in white oak barrels and shaped through a secret blend of charcoal for a distinctive smoothness. The best-selling spirit brand worldwide, enjoyed in more than 170 countries. ABV: 37.5% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: Cuba
  • £16.99

    Captain Morgan Dark Rum 70cl

    The Captain's Dark Rum isn't just any old seafarer's beverage. This sumptuous and smooth rum with the heritage of Jamaica at its heart. Intensely deep and rich taste, with a smoky cask finish. A premium blend of five rum marques from three different Caribbean countries, creating rich complexity of flavour. Full-bodied with caramel and vanilla notes aged for at least two years in charred oak barrels. ABV: 40.0% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: Jamaica
  • £17.99

    Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold Rum 70cl

    The Captain has long been sailing the seas with one flag hoisted up for the world to see. The real figurehead of his fleet - his Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold. Notes of rich vanilla, brown sugar, dried fruit, warming spices with hints of oak, come together to create a perfectly balanced spirit with a smooth finish. ABV: 35.0% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: Jamaica
  • £23.89

    Chairmans Reserve Rum 70cl

    A marriage of aged rums distilled from Coffey and pot stills. Aged separately by batch and type of still in ex-Bourbon barrels, then blended and rested in oak vats for an additional six months. Average age of the blend is 5 years. Rich dark amber in color, typical pot still richness comes through the aromas carried by whiffs of cooked banana, caramelized fruits and spicy oak derived vanilla. A well-balanced mid-palate provides structure around flavours of chocolate, golden raisin, tobacco and clove, which dissipates over a long creamy finish. SIZE: 700ml ABV: 40.0% COUNTRY: Saint Lucia
  • £18.90

    Cockspur Rum 70cl

    This wonderful amber rum is the perfect marriage of smooth and sweet. COCKSPUR Fine Rum is a gently aged rum that starts off with a distinct brown sugar taste then develops into a smooth, round, buttery blend that leaves a warm, spicy oak taste on the palate. This versatile con-cock-tion is just what you need to start your next epic adventure. Try it straight up, on the rocks or with any mixer you can think of. SIZE: 700ml ABV: 37.5% COUNTRY: Caribbean
  • £20.99

    Havana Club 3 Años 70cl

    Freshness from the continuous distillation of sugar molasses and character from ageing - a winning combination. A light, straw colour that reveals its age: aged for a minimum of three years. Havana Club 3 A?os's nose is a full bouquet of smooth aromas, with hints of oak, molasses and sugar cane. The taste is well-balanced and complex: a sweet, mild, fruity flavour with a light hint of citrus. ABV: 40.0% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: Cuba
  • £17.99

    Lamb’s Navy Rum 70cl

    In 1849, a young wines and spirit entrepreneur called Alfred Lamb took the time and trouble to blend no fewer than 18 superior rums from Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana to create the Navy Rum we now know and love. Today, Lamb's Navy Rum shines like a beacon of purity. Wherever the unique and original are valued and celebrated, it stands as one of the few: honest, no-nonsense and an absolute delight in the glass. It is, in its very history and essence, a drink of True British Character. SIZE: 700ml ABV: 40% COUNTRY: Caribbean
  • £13.05

    Malibu Rum 70cl

    Nothing beats an original. But Malibu isn't just an original, it's sunshine in a bottle with a smooth fresh flavour. That's why it's the world's best-selling coconut flavoured Caribbean rum. SIZE: 700ml ABV: 21.0% COUNTRY: Caribbean
  • £23.89

    The Kraken Black Spiced Rum 70cl

    The Kraken is a unique Caribbean black spiced rum weighing in at a potent 94 Proof. It is distilled in Trinidad and Tobago and enriched with an exotic blend of 13 secret spices. The rich black colour takes its hue from the mysterious ink with which, as legend has it, the Kraken, a squid of epic proportions, covered its prey. The Kraken's proprietary bottle is a replica of a Victorian Rum bottle and features two handles - allowing for easy portability (as well as potability) - and calls to mind the shape of the giant squid. SIZE: 700ml ABV: 40.0% COUNTRY: Caribbean