Absolut Ruby Red Grapefruit 70cl
Spirits, VodkaAbsolut Ruby Red Grapefruit Vodka brings a vibrant burst of citrus to the world of vodka, combining the smooth quality of Absolut with the tangy, refreshing flavour of ruby red grapefruit. This premium vodka offers a delightful twist on classic vodka cocktails, perfect for those who enjoy a zesty and invigorating drink. Absolut Ruby Red Grapefruit Vodka delivers a crisp and invigorating taste with prominent notes of fresh ruby red grapefruit. Expect a balanced blend of sweet citrus and tangy tartness, complemented by the smooth, clean finish of Absolut’s premium vodka. The result is a refreshing and flavourful spirit that stands out in any cocktail or as a solo sipper. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml£19.00£19.00 -
Kwai Feh Lychee Liqueur 70cl
Liqueurs, SpiritsKwai Feh Lychee Liqueur is a delicately flavoured liqueur that captures the sweet, floral essence of fresh lychee fruit. With its light pink hue and exotic aroma, this liqueur is ideal for crafting unique cocktails or adding a fruity twist to desserts. It's smooth, sweet, and slightly tart, making it a versatile addition to any house and party. COUNTRY: NETHERLAND ABV: 20% SIZE: 700ml£19.99£19.99 -
Plantation Pineapple Rum 70cl
Rum, SpiritsPlantation Pineapple Rum is a vibrant and exotic expression that combines the richness of Caribbean rum with the sweet, tangy essence of ripe pineapples. Crafted by the renowned Plantation Rum, this rum is infused with natural pineapple for a delightful and refreshing flavour experience. Plantation Pineapple Rum offers a refreshing and exotic twist on traditional rum, a perfect choice for those who enjoy a taste of the tropics. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml£33.50£33.50 -
Wyborowa Peach 70cl
Spirits, VodkaWyborowa Peach is a flavoured vodka from the renowned Polish vodka. Known for its smooth and refined base vodka, Wyborowa Peach infuses the natural sweetness and juiciness of ripe peaches with the brand's signature spirit, creating a delightful and refreshing drink. Wyborowa Peach is versatile and can be enjoyed on its own, chilled, or over ice. It also works well in cocktails, adding a fruity twist to classic vodka drinks or mixed with soda or tonic for a refreshing highball. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml£17.50£17.50