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2 products

  • £30.99

    Nomad Outland Whisky 70cl

    Nomad Outland Whisky offers a refined and adventurous taste experience, blending traditional Scottish craftsmanship with the influence of Spanish sherry casks. Its complex profile and smooth finish make it a standout choice for whisky enthusiasts seeking something truly distinctive. ABV: 41.3% SIZE: 700ml
  • £17.50

    Sambuca Pomegranate Liqueur 70cl

    Sambuca Pomegranate Liqueur is a sophisticated blend that marries the traditional anise flavour of classic Sambuca with the sweet and tangy notes of pomegranate. The liqueur has a vibrant, deep red hue, reflecting the rich pomegranate infusion. On the nose, it offers a harmonious bouquet of Liquorice and fresh, fruity undertones, with the pomegranate subtly softening the intensity of the anise. This drink would have a lovely balance of sweet, tart, and herbal flavours, with the pomegranate providing a refreshing contrast to the strong anise notes of the Sambuca. ABV: 38% SIZE: 700ml