Absolut Kurant Vodka 70cl

Absolut Kurant Vodka 70cl


Absolut Kurant Vodka is a premium flavoured vodka, known for its infusion of blackcurrant flavours. It offers a rich and fruity taste with deep, tangy notes of blackcurrant and a hint of sweetness, while maintaining the smoothness and purity of Absolut’s vodka base.

Ideal for mixing in cocktails, Absolut Kurant adds a distinctive berry twist to classic drinks like the Cosmopolitan or Vodka Tonic. Its vibrant flavour profile makes it a versatile and enjoyable choice for a variety of beverages.

ABV: 40%
SIZE: 700ml

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  • £19.00

    Absolut Mandrin Vodka 70cl


    Absolut Mandrin Vodka 70cl

    This Vodka Infused with the natural essence of Mandarin oranges and other citrus fruits, it delivers a vibrant and refreshing flavour profile with bright, zesty notes and a hint of sweetness. The vodka maintains Absolut's signature smoothness and purity, making it an excellent choice for a range of cocktails, including martinis and spritzers. Whether enjoyed on the rocks or as part of a creative mix, Absolut Mandrin offers a distinctive citrus twist to your drinking experience. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: SWEDEN

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg





Individual, Glass Bottle


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