Boompjes Genever Gin 70cl
Boompjes Genever Gin 70cl
Boompjes Genever Gin offers a sophisticated take on traditional Dutch gin. Known for its rich heritage and meticulous craftsmanship, this genever provides a refined drinking experience that honors the classic roots of this iconic spirit.
Boompjess Genever Gin offers a rich and complex flavor experience. Expect prominent notes of juniper complemented by the distinctive malt wine base, which provides depth and a slight sweetness. Additional herbal and spice elements add layers of flavour, resulting in a smooth and satisfying finish.
ABV: 35%
SIZE: 700ml
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Additional information
Weight | 1.2 kg |
Brand | Boompjes |
Country | Netherland |
Packaging | Individual, Glass Bottle |
Size | 700ml |