East London Gin 70cl
East London Gin is a premium craft gin that embodies the vibrant spirit of London’s East End. Known for its unique flavour profile and contemporary approach, this gin reflects the dynamic character of one of the city’s most eclectic neighbourhoods.
East London Gin offers a well-rounded and balanced tasting experience. The initial sip reveals a burst of juniper, followed by bright citrus notes and subtle herbal hints. The gin’s clean, crisp finish makes it both refreshing and versatile, suitable for a variety of cocktails.
ABV: 45%
SIZE: 700ml
In stock
East London Dry Gin is distilled using the finest 100% British wheat spirit infused with lemon and grapefruit peel, coriander, angelica root, juniper berries, cubeb berries and cardamom. Including fresh lemon and grapefruit peels, cubeb berries, cardamom, coriander, angelica root and Macedonian juniper berries, the botanicals are of the highest quality and are discerningly sourced from across the world.
Additional information
Weight | 1.2 kg |
Brand | East London Liq Company |
Country | England |
Packaging | Individual, Glass Bottle |
Size | 700ml |