Bosford Pink Gin 70cl
Bosford Pink Gin 70cl
Bosford Pink Gin is a flavoured gin that typically features a blend of traditional gin botanicals with a distinct, fruity twist. It’s known for its pink colour and sweet, berry-like flavour profile. This is a standard choice for many gin lovers and bars. If you’re looking to enjoy it, it’s great on its own with ice or mixed into a variety of cocktails.
ABV: 37.5%
SIZE: 700ml
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Gordon’s Pink Gin 70cl
GinInspired by an original Gordon's recipe from the 1880s. Delicately fruity sweetness, delicious smell and subtler touch of junipers. Natural fruit flavours and a subtle touch of juniper. Gordon's Pink is perfectly crafted to balance the refreshing taste of Gordon's with the natural sweetness of raspberries and strawberries, with the tang of redcurrant served up in a unique blushing tone. Made using only natural fruit flavours to guarantee the highest quality real berry taste. ABV: 37.5% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: UNITED KINGDOM£18.99
Additional information
Weight | 1.2 kg |
Brand | Bosford |
Country | England |
Size | 700ml |
Packaging | Individual, Glass Bottle |
Dietary Requirements | Gluten-Free |
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