Vestal Vodka 70cl
Vestal Vodka 70cl
Vestal Vodka is a premium Polish vodka known for its artisanal production methods and focus on showcasing the natural flavours of the potatoes from which it is made. Unlike many vodkas that aim for a neutral taste, Vestal Vodka embraces the character of the specific region and potato variety used in its production. This results in a vodka with a distinctive, rich, and earthy flavour profile.
It can be enjoyed neat, where its full flavour can be appreciated, or used in high-quality cocktails.
ABV: 40%
SIZE: 700ml
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Brand:Vestal Vodka
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Absolut Mandrin Vodka 70cl
VodkaThis Vodka Infused with the natural essence of Mandarin oranges and other citrus fruits, it delivers a vibrant and refreshing flavour profile with bright, zesty notes and a hint of sweetness. The vodka maintains Absolut's signature smoothness and purity, making it an excellent choice for a range of cocktails, including martinis and spritzers. Whether enjoyed on the rocks or as part of a creative mix, Absolut Mandrin offers a distinctive citrus twist to your drinking experience. ABV: 40% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: SWEDEN£19.00 -
Belvedere Pure Vodka 70cl
VodkaBelvedere Vodka is the first super-premium vodka, created from 600 years of Polish vodka-making tradition. Crafted using 100% Polska rye and water from its own natural well, Belvedere is all natural, contains zero additives or sugar, is certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union, and is produced in accordance with the legal requirements of Polish Vodka. Its taste profile is structured, elegant and balanced, with a subtle sweetness, velvety rich mouthfeel and smooth, clean finish. SIZE: 700ml ABV: 40.0% COUNTRY: POLAND£31.99 -
Ciroc Original Vodka 70cl
VodkaMade from fine French grapes, the Ciroc portfolio has a characteristically smooth and clean profile. Ciroc is a truly modern vodka, filled with flavour and style. Lusciously smooth, playfully sophisticated Ciroc is a commitment to superior taste, quality and a fun-loving lifestyle. Co-owned by Hip-Hop mogul Sean Combs aka 'P. Diddy'. ABV: 40.0% SIZE: 700ml COUNTRY: FRANCE£29.99
Additional information
Weight | 1.2 kg |
Country | Poland |
Size | 700ml |
Packaging | Individual, Glass Bottle |
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