Au Fruit Punch Vodka 70cl

Au Fruit Punch Vodka 70cl


Au Fruit Punch Vodka is a vibrant and flavourful spirit that combines the smoothness of premium vodka with the tropical sweetness of fruit punch. Infused with a blend of exotic fruit flavours, this vodka offers a refreshing and lively taste experience, with notes of pineapple, citrus, and other tropical fruits.

Its bold and colourful profile makes it perfect for enjoying on the rocks, mixing into cocktails, or adding a fruity twist to your favourite drinks. Packaged in Au Vodka’s signature luxurious bottle, Au Fruit Punch Vodka stands out both in flavour and presentation.

ABV: 35.2%
SIZE: 700ml

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Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg





Individual, Glass Bottle


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